
Our heart is to partner with our local and international community, supporting their good works and meeting their needs.


We invite you to partner with Sunridge Community Church in prayer and finance so we might continue these good works in our communities.

Give Online

At SunRidge we believe that in giving of our finances we return Glory to God for blessing us and allowing us to earn an income.



1 Send to:
2 Set your password as your last name (lower case) or specify your password by emailing

If your last name is too short then please put sunridge at the end of your last name. For example: smithsunridge

if it is your first time giving, please provide your mailing address for charitable tax receipt purposes.


If you would like to make a donation to SunRidge using your PayPal Account or Credit Card, click the ā€œDonateā€ button below. Please make a note for what it is for if it is not for regular donations. (ex. Youth, Missions Trips, or OOSC). Also, if it is your first time giving, please provide your mailing address for charitable tax receipt purposes.

 In 2021 we supported:

 If you have any questions or concerns about your donation, you can contact the book-keeper through the email