SunLand Family Ministries

Grade K - 6 and Families

SunLand is a kid-friendly place to learn about what it means to be a follower of Jesus.

Thanks for stopping by to see what's been going on and to read up on what makes us tick! We are all figuring out what it means to learn and grow as parents and kids so here are a few links, ideas and suggestions to help you and your family. Join the Group ➔

SunLand on Sundays

3 Classes

Preschool, K-3, 4-7
Drop kids off after worship and pick-up after the message.

Parent Spaces

Audio of Message

Audio & Video of Message

Parent Resources

  • App: Parent Cue (All Ages)

    This is a very cool app that shares all kinds of ways to talk to your kids about faith. Use the App on your phone, enter your child’s age and it will pull up age appropriate materials.

  • App: The Bible

    Find episodes to stream or download and fun downloadable resources to help your kids fall in love with God.

  • Kids Club

    This is a fantastic resource with wonderful videos, lessons and ideas you can modify to work for helping your kids grow up God’s way!

  • SunLand on Spotify

    A collection of worship and teaching music for kids!


  • Bible (Preschool)

    Short, simple versions of bible stories.

  • Bible (K-3)

    Bible stories written out , illustrated and explained for kids K-3.

  • First Easter

    Susana Gay, Owen Gay
    Board Book

    1 - 3 yrs old

  • In The Beginning

    Susana Gay, Owen Gay
    Board Book

    1 - 3 yrs old

  • First Christmas

    Susana Gay, Owen Gay
    Board Book

    1 - 3 yrs old

  • Near: Psalm 139

    Sally Lloyd-Jones
    Board Book

    Baby - 4 yrs old

  • Known: Psalm 139

    Sally Lloyd-Jones
    Board Book

    Baby - 4 yrs old

  • Flashlight Night (Book on Prayer)

    Elisabeth Hasselbeck


  • Puzzle & Play: Noah’s Ark

    Roger Priddy

    Board book with puzzle piece you build as you read the story.


Ideas to draw kids attention to God

  • Live by Example

    Your kids are watching you! It will make such an impression on them to see you following God. Let them see you doing devotions. Let them see you worship God. Let them see you pray.

  • Tithe, Save, Spend Jars

    Teach money values with 3 jars. Have kids put 10% in tithe, 10% in saving, 80% in spending.

  • Short Stories of God's Goodness

    Inspire the next generation with your stories of God’s faithfulness! Keep a journal of short stories that describe times in your life when God answered prayers or did awesome things so kids can read them later!

  • Cross Nightlight

    Connect the comfort of a nightlight to the truth of Jesus. Remind your little one “the cross means God loves you and is with you!”

  • Audio Toy

    There are awesome toys out there that let you record audio/music for kids to play on their own! Record yourself or family/friends reading kid versions of bible stories or bible verses and add those recordings to these toys! Add scripture lullabies (ideas on SunLand spotify). You’ll be amazed at how kids learn stories and scripture by just listening to it even when it’s in the background!

  • Make Prayer a Habit

    Getting in the car to drive? Pray for safety together. Getting on the boat to enjoy a day on the lake? Thank God for the blessing and pray for the day. Eating? Thank God for the food. Make it so routine that it becomes weird to not pray!

  • Be IN a Church

    Make being in a church family so routine, such a given, that it’s not a question about what Sunday morning will look like. You’re going to church! Faith needs a Christ loving community to grow, imperfect as it may be. This is the Bride that God gave His son for! Teach your kids to love the church and be involved in it from a young age!

  • Let's Pray Together!

    6:50pm on the first day of the month, a group of parents take a minute and pray for their kids. It’s 6:50 because of Deuteronomy 6:5 and on. Email to be added to this text group!

  • Bible Verse at Bedtime

    It seems like kids soak up those minutes before bedtime where they’re in bed, you’re maybe reading them a story and praying with them before they sleep. Make reciting a verse a habit in these moments! Do the same one every night until they learn it! Want an idea on a verse to start with? Begin by telling them Joshua 1:9!

  • Nativity Advent Calendar

    As you come close to Christmas, take a few minutes each day to go through the story of Jesus’ birth. An idea could be reading a bit of the Christmas story each day. As characters appear, have your child place the figure in a nativity scene. A good version of the story can be found in the Jesus Storybook Bible.



Jon Ransom
Sunland Director / OOSC Manager


Jon got his feet wet in Guangzhou China where he led a children’s ministry, started a family-focused house church and operated a kindergarten.  At the end of 2020, he returned to his childhood home in West Kelowna with his loving wife, Mei Chen, and two children, Joseph and Olivia.  Jon is passionate about partnering with parents to live out our calling to disciple our children daily.  He is excited to be serving the community through this ministry and the Out of School Care Ministry.

Jon likes to roast coffee and enjoys eating his wife’s amazing sourdough bread.  When Mei isn’t baking, she is connecting with the women in her community for Christ. Joseph loves to play Frisbee, read and attend Ridge Youth.  Olivia enjoys creating furniture for her hamster, reading and anything to do with art. 

The Ransom Family is thrilled to be a part of Sunridge Community Church!
