Current Message Series
“Faith Works”
Good Works vs Faith Alone - is it really that black and white? Join us for the next six weeks as we journey through the book of James to sort this out.
Prayer is the lifeline of followers of Christ! Join us as we engage in this important discipline and explore the ways and means of spending important time with our Heavenly Father.
A look at 4 people that paid a price to obey God. As Jesus followers we too, must count the cost of obedience.
Sometimes we can become blind to the brokenness around us until God somehow gets our attention and opens our eyes to see it. Broken people, broken marriages, broken families, broken beliefs. The story of Nehemiah shows us how important it is that we see what is broken around us, and then to see the kind of significant impact one individual can have in rebuilding that which is broken. Today God has placed you where you are for the purpose of being a rebuilder.
While it is quite impressive to watch someone excel in a solo sport such as tennis, golf or skiing - this is not the way God designed His church to work. The church is not to work as a solo effort by a few; God's church is to work as a group of people in team.
Have you ever wondered what place the book of Revelation is to play in the lives of those who are Jesus followers? Yet one commentator states, “ no other book helps us see Jesus as he is right now as clearly and compellingly as the last book John wrote”. This series will prove to be very important for us today, so be sure to join us every week!
Wouldn’t you like to have the wisdom that is required to live our day to day lives? To know that we are living our lives in such a way is what the Old Testament book of Proverbs is all about. Wisdom for the very practical things from money and work to marriage and friendships. You will see that this wisdom to offered to you - so join us this summer for Proverbs!
Weekends come and weekends go. But there is one weekend that has been above all of the rest. There has never been a weekend like it since. So what happened on that Friday, Saturday, Sunday? Join on for our ‘What a Weekend’ series!
The beginning of the book of Revelation contains instructions to seven churches. This series will take a look at those books and consider what Jesus would say to our church today.
Often we talk about life transformation but maybe we wonder is there really any life-long life-change? Peter provides a powerful picture of a transformed life and what it takes.
We are a church community. We believe Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose again so we could live in freedom in Christ. We gather to be taught about this and in worship we say "thanks" to God and praise Him for His love. In this series we will look at the things that are important to us as a community as we strive to serve the Lord.