Reading the Bible
What to Read
Read through the bible alongside SunRidge! We follow a reading plan that takes us through the whole Bible in three years.
Bible Info Card
Explains some history behind the text, a suggestion for journalling, categorizes the books, and suggests some digital resources.
Devotional Journaling
We believe that developing a daily routine of bible reading and journaling is essential for creating a deep and intimate relationship with Jesus. Here is a guide to learn to journal.
The Bible App
Life is busy and on the go. Here is a great resource to help you ensure you can be in the word daily whether it's on a bus, on a hike or wherever you like to wander.
Scripture Typer App
This is an awesome tool to help you memorize scripture!
The Bible Project
BibleProject is a nonprofit ed-tech organization and animation studio that produces 100% free Bible videos, podcasts, blogs, classes, and educational Bible resources to help make the biblical story accessible to everyone, everywhere.
S.O.A.P. Devo Guide
A super simple template of how to write a S.O.A.P. devotion based on scripture from the Bible.
Enduring Word App
Look up any passage of the bible and view explanations and commentaries describing what the verse is about. This is such a helpful tool for understanding tough bible verses!