Money Matters Class
Based on Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University, this course talks about handling money, conquering debt, and saving for the future. This course is faith-based and ties the practical skills back to scripture from the Bible.
8 Sessions
Session Time
2 Hours
Course Style
Online or In-Person.
Video & discussion.
About the Course
Learning in this Course
Each session participants will meet in-person or online to watch a video by Dave Ramsey together writing in fill-in-the-blank course material. Following the video there will be discussion and Q&A with the course leader.
Who is the course for?
Anyone who wants to get control of their debt, learn about what God says about finances, and save for the future. We recommend participants be at least 13 years or older.
Who is Leading this Course
SunRidge runs this course under several leaders. You will be introduced to your course leader according to when the course is offered.
About the Course Material
The course is structured around Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. This material is from the United States so our course leaders translate the information back to Canadian terms when needed.
Session Topics
Session #1: Super Savings
Session #2: Relating with Money
Session #3: Cash Flow Planning
Session #4: Dumping Debt
Session #5: Buyer Beware
Session #6: The Role of Insurance
Session #7: Retirement and College
Session #8: Real Estate & Mortgages
Session #9: The Great Misunderstanding