A Youth Year-End Party: Happy Birthday Everyone!!! 

Hm… how to explain the youth wrap-up party. Things become things through lots of laughter while hanging out with friends! A thing thats become a thing is, most every youth night now, everyone gets wished “happy birthday!” Occasionally this turns into being sung “Happy Birthday!” Again, it is never actually anyone’s birthday when this happens. This was the theme for our final night, a massive birthday party to everyone!!! Decorations were everywhere, cake was thrown off the portable roof, squawkers were blown, cupcakes were eaten, games were played, including pin the braid on Kyle… with his actual cut-off hair! At the end we had a meaningful time celebrating and prayer for the graduating students as well as praying for Cole and Mary who are moving to Laos and who have faithfully served at youth for many years! Want to join the madness as a youth leader in the Fall? Reach out to kyle@sunridge.org to apply!


May 28, 2023: Leadership Transition Update


The Marriage Course Has Been Such a BLESSING!!