Spring Send
Spring has sprung! Or so we thought as we planned a large youth event to take place outside... and then it was freezing and actually snowed. No matter! We pivot. What was originally going to be a doughnut tree by the bball court became a doughnut Christmas tree inside the auditorium. I must take a moment to mention, one student actually ate 12 doughnuts. RESPECT.
Inside, to the sounds of Christian EDM music, we played nine-square, really pushed the limits of facepaint, had a lot of snacks, and capped it off with a raffle! (One prize was live fish throwback to our last RIDGE Retreat if any of you remember that fish-centered hilarious time...but also the mud fight... I guess we've involved fish in a few events haha) It was awesome and was a huge team effort! Shout out to the amazing RIDGE Roadies who make so much happen behind-the-scenes! It's a joy to just be joyful in the name of Jesus before we pause for Spring Break.