The Living Christian Course

Lesson 02: Be Still: Quiet Yourself To Hear God’s Voice

Day 4


Go back to Day 2, the “Do” section, point 3. You wrote down a list of fears and anxieties. Pick one of these items you’ve listed.

It can be difficult to stare at your own fears and anxieties especially if they’re connected to a very current and painful struggle. Consider walking through this step with a trusted friend, family member, or counselor who shares your faith in Jesus Christ.

With this fear or anxiety in mind, go through the following exercise:

STAR Exercise

Stop – Do not fix the problem, person or situation.

➔ Write down the fear or anxiety that you are currently facing.

Take – A breather and calm down

➔ Psalm 46:10a (NIV) Be still, and know that I am God...Take a few moments to be still, relax your shoulders, neck, hands, face, etc. Take some deep breaths and focus your heart and mind on Jesus

Any anxious or distracted thoughts you have, or tasks that need to get done… prayerfully surrender them to Jesus

Appreciate & Connect to Jesus

➔ James 1:17 (NIV) Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. Think of something you are thankful for:

Briefly write down a time where you experienced what you were thankful for

Connect to Jesus. Ask Jesus to show you where he was in the memory and what he wants you to know. Write down any thoughts that come to mind

Respond – in faith & love, in obedience

Ask Jesus how he sees the fear or anxiety you are facing. Write it down

Ask Jesus how he wants you to respond in the situation. Write it down